
Joshua Baumgarten is originally from New York and has lived for the last fifteen years in ‘HaarlemTown’. You could already buy self-published poetry from him in small booklets bursting with spontaneity, and now there is a hardcover collection of his English language poems and beautiful drawings from Werner Durinck. Mr. Weird Beard writes poems about the day in day out aspects of life – everyday shit, Bukowski-wise, with a  rhythmic musical stroke- and it is a breath of fresh air to read.

Do it yourself -the slogan of punk, is what keeps him going. And the spirit of the Beat writers is a driving force as well. They also did not sit on their asses waiting by the mailbox hoping that some jerk out of the publishing world sent them an acceptance or rejection letter. If you have something to say, you should do it loudly, especially in The Irrational Library where garage punk continuously is spewed out from the musical fruit basket.